Canil Forte D'Elvas

The Kennel

The "Forte D ' Elvas " Kennel, is located on a tableland in front of the Forte de Nossa Senhora da Graça, Elvas – Alentejo – Portugal, when was known as an ancient Fortress and very known military prison and national monument, was the inspiration for the attribution to the name of the kennel.

The name "Forte D ' Elvas “(nº of breeder 137702) with working permit nº PT 4 015 FL, from the DGAVeterinária is recognized by the FEDERATION CYNOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONALE and by the Portuguese Club of Dog Breeding.

"Forte D' Elvas" devotes to the selection and breeding of the ALENTEJO MASTIFF dog (Defense Dog), having as an objective aiming the constant improvement of his characteristics, according with the standard of the race, for safeguard of his genetic and cultural inheritance, as way to preserve and spread this noble and great Portuguese race of great presence.

"Forte D' Elvas" has a great open space where all the animals are normally free.

Working hours

08:00 - 20:00

The Kennel